• Board Member

Marco Antonio Innocenti

Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 1995. Graduate and postgraduate from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP), with a specialization in Public Procedural Law from the Brazilian Society of Public Law (SBDP). Responsible for the coordination of legal strategies and general supervision of the work prepared by Innocenti Advogados Associados. Chairman of the Commission for Study of Court-Ordered Debt Payments of the IASP – São Paulo Lawyers Institute and former chairman of the Commission for Study of Court-Ordered Debt Payments of OAB’s Federal Council. He has extensive experience in the areas of Administrative and Constitutional Law. Author of several legal articles and speaker in forums, seminars and conferences. He is the author of the book Precatórios: Uma Questão de Justiça (Court-Ordered Debt Payments: A Matter of Justice), published in 2016 by the Brazilian Bar Association.