

> Administrative

Administrative Contracts

The advisory provided in the field of public procurement of contract aims to guarantee to the client solutions in all legal matters involving situations arising from the conclusion and execution of administrative contracts, especially the representation of its interests before the Public Administration, such as the defense against imposition of contractual and administrative penalties and the filling of legal actions.


The need to contract the supply of goods or services is a reality in the public sector, and the realization of hiring opportunities in a highly competitive environment requires the advice of a trained team to address the many legal aspects that involve biddings. We offer personalized legal advice in the representation of the various stages of the event, with expertise in administrative and judicial advisory and litigation.


Consultancy on the effects of anti-corruption legislation on our clients’ relationship with the Public Administration (Federal – State – Municipal), as well as advice on the creation, implementation and monitoring of compliance programs, according to the profile and needs of the client, aiming at the establishment of ethical standards to be followed by its collaborators in accordance with the Brazilian legislation.

Due Diligence of Court-Ordered Debt Payments (Precatórios)

Performance in the process of investigation and audit of company documents or credits, specifically of a precatory nature, in transactions carried out, which is a fundamental procedure to confirm the data made available to potential buyers or investors. It seeks to verify the accounting and legal assets and liabilities, allowing for greater security in our clients’ negotiations.

Investment Funds

With access to differentiated portfolios, IAA offers services of analysis, presentation and preparation of legal opinion on several legal assets liable for acquisition. It works with the drafting of assignment and acquisition contracts, cancellations and public instruments, in addition to the judicial monitoring of the assets acquired until their redemption in an independent and transparent manner, meeting the national and international standards of compliance required in this market niche.

Public Civil Action and Adminstrative Improbity

Legal assistance in the representation and advisory in Public Civil Actions, especially in the defense of the rights of public and private agents in actions for accountability for an act of administrative improbity, with action from the stage of initiation of civil investigations to the final decision on the lawsuit.

Regulatory Agencies

Legal advice on regulatory acts issued by the Regulatory Agencies, special regime autarchies, with a supervisory and regulatory function on a specific sector of the country’s economy, representing clients’ interests before the agencies, with the filing of lawsuits against acts that go beyond their regulatory powers.

Third Sector

Performance with the services made available to entities that make up the third sector (NGOs, OS, OSCIPS), consisting in the preparation and analysis of articles of incorporation, and advice on registration with government agencies, in contracting with public and private agencies that work with the third sector and consulting in the development of programs and practices aimed at the client.  

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