
Tax and Fiscal

> Tax and Fiscal

Corporate Pension Benefits

Sponsorship of judicial and administrative measures related to payroll taxation and their substitute regimes, with the objective of recovering social security credits and canceling tax assessments. In addition, we study the advantages and disadvantages of including the company in the payroll tax exemption, analyzing the percentage to be paid, the applicable exclusions, etc.

Due Diligene in Mergers and Acquisitions

Analysis of tax aspects and strategic development of structures in mergers, acquisitions, sales, corporate restructuring, investments, offering, whenever necessary, the assessment of tax contingencies involved in these transactions, always aiming at legitimate tax savings.

Import and Export

Consultancy in the customs area, covering taxes, special customs regimes, import and export control rules, international treaties, tax incentives and identification of the appropriate tax classification of products, aiming to meet the rules of customs and tax legislation.

Inspections and Audits

Follow-up and assistance in meeting federal, state and municipal inspections, as well as proving support during fiscal and tax audits carried out in companies, thus generating greater security over the information declared and the taxes collected.

Special Regimes and Tax Incentives

Obtaining special regimes, preparing inquiries to tax agencies, following-up and inspecting taxes, acting in procedures aimed at obtaining tax compliance certificates, obtaining and assisting in the use of tax incentives, as well as any other necessary procedures before the Tax Authorities.

Succession and State Planning

Analysis of legal and tax aspects related to issues regarding the conservation of family assets and their transmission to future generations by means of the study of the tax impact, searching for the best solution in Brazil or abroad, safeguarding the interests and peculiarities of each family.

Tax Assessment Notices

Administrative tax litigation at the federal, state and municipal levels, before the respective administrative courts, in proceedings for the defense of tax assessment notices and tax assessments, as well as in refund, reimbursement and tax offsetting proceedings.

Tax Litigation and Consulting

Operating in judicial defenses, in all levels of jurisdiction, whether they are due to collections or inspection procedures related to any contributions or taxes (federal, state and municipal).

Tax Planning Consulting

Contencioso tributário administrativo nas esferas federal, estadual e municipal, perante os respectivos tribunais administrativos em processos para a defesa de auto de infração e lançamento tributário, bem como em processos de restituição, ressarcimento e compensação de tributos.

Tax Review and Diagnostics

Thorough analysis of the company’s fiscal/operational documents to ratify the procedures adopted or point out contingencies that might result in tax/social security credits. The studies are based on the company’s current and past documentation (past 5 years), aiming to recover PIS, COFINS, IPI, ICMS and INSS credits. Aiming at providing excellent services, the firm directly assists in completing electronic statements and tax documents necessary to carry out the procedures and obtain the fiscal/tax benefits indicated in the work, in addition to carrying out “invoice by invoice” tax checks, that is, the sample basis method is not used, which allows for a complete and in-depth study of the company’s fiscal health.

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